WWF Sweden - Corporate Club

We want to take care of your skin AND the planet! As a part of this work we are members of the WWF Sweden - Corporate Club.

This is WWF (information from their website, read more here):

  • Established in 1961, WWF operates in more than 100 countries.
  • WWF currently funds around 1,300 conservation projects globally and employs 6,000 people across the planet.
  • The organization is almost unique in that it has a presence from the local to the global level talking to local people in the central African rainforests, through to face-to-face discussions with institutions such as the World Bank and the European Commission.
  • At every stage, when WWF works with local people, we work with partners and donors. Nothing, absolutely nothing, would have been possible or remain possible without them.


WWF Sweden - Corporate Club 2017


Tack vare vårt stöd som Vänföretag kan Världsnaturfonden WWF fortsätta sitt arbete med att bevara biologisk mångfald, minska föroreningar och ohållbar konsumtion samt verka för ett hållbart utnyttjande av förnybara naturresurser.

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